New Book Finished
Greetings friends. I'm happy to say that the new book is officially finished and off to the printer. I couldn't be more happy with the way it turned out and hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. That's a strange thing to say, obviously, for such a sensitive topic, but the reality is I think this book may help open people's minds to what's really going on.
If you pre-ordered a copy last week, I'm starting to place those orders now. Within a few days, you should see an email with shipping information show up in your inbox. My hope is that all of you will get your books before April 15th—well in time to have it finished before the May 1st launch. I hope you will be fired up by the book enough that you are able to help me spread the word on that Wednesday and the few days that follow.
I'm talking to a couple of radio shows to try and line up some interviews and am wide open if you know of someone that may be willing to have me on to talk about the book. (Message me directly—I don't always read the comments). Or you can email me at
Thank you for all of your pre-orders—that was nice to see so many people that interested in the book!