My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 237: Where To Now, Believers? I’ve often said this will be like the Amish 2.0, and I hope you can start to see that I was serious. Many of us are going to have to move. We are going to have to leave friends and family behind to form new communities, new tribes, where our faith is treasured and our beliefs are respected.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 236: COVID Vaccines, Part of a Tribal Initiation Ritual COVID vaccines have become part of an elaborate group initiation, a hazing ritual complete with all the tribal bonding that an intense fear of death or pain can create. Where do you stand? Which tribe will you pledge your allegiance to?
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 235: Emma Radacanu & the End of Race England is going crazy over its 18-year-old tennis phenomenon named Emma Raducanu, who recently won the U.S. Open after having to play 3 extra matches just to qualify to even play in the tournament. She had an amazing run, and as a tennis fan myself, I’ve enjoyed every second of it.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 234: Vaccines—A Tyranny of Good? Vaccines are not all about the money. In fact, they’re about something much worse. In the whole scheme of things, there are very few people who are making money from the coronavirus hysteria,
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 233: Vaccine Mandates Signal End of United States The vaccine mandates recently proposed by the people who tell Joe Biden what to say are not legal and I want to tell you why. I am not a legal scholar but I’ve read a few things about these mandates that has me convinced they will not be able to be enforced—by the government at least.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 232: Why So Many People Don't WANT Freedom I was raised under the impression that everyone wanted freedom. That’s why people risked their lives to come to the United States—because they wanted freedom. This may be already obvious, but what I’ve realized is that not everyone wants freedom, and in fact, MOST people don’t want it.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep231: New Amendment Needed to Protect Cash—the Currency of Freedom. Today is August 10th, the second year of our Lord Protector’s gain-of-function-driven pandemic and the world has gone mad. Lots of interesting things going on, of course: vaccine passports, mandatory vaccines, booster shots, and lots and lots of protests—
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep230: The Difference Between Men & Women? Sports The Olympics are upon us in all their woken ridiculousness, and I’ve had a hard time watching nearly anything other than some old Tony Hawk X Games highlights—they’re much better than what’s on right now.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep229: Mandatory vaccines coming to the U.S.? The last week, even the last 48 hours, have featured some rapid developments in the interesting direction our world, or more specifically—their world—is going in. I really have some other topics I’m dying to talk about but the coronavirus situation is escalating quickly.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 228: Delta. Delta. Delta. Lord Help Us. Good day, my fellow human beings, fighting the fight against medical tyranny, government overreach, and progressive ridiculousness. There is so much to talk about these days and so little time, but I have to spend a few minutes updating you on a few vaccine-related matters. As I—and others—have
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 227: All The War You Cannot See The problem with war is most people don’t even realize it’s happening until it’s over. It might be through willful ignorance or perhaps the bombs are just dropping too far away, but regardless, it is human nature to avoid or ignore the signs of conflict.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 226: When Vaccines Become Religion I want to explain why so many in government, tech, public health, pharma, and philanthropy seem to be SO eager to push the coronavirus vaccine.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 225: Why There's No Such Thing as "Fully Vaccinated" There is no such thing as being “fully vaccinated.” There has never been such a thing as fully vaccinated, and as far as I can tell, no one will ever be fully vaccinated.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 224: Why are White, Christian, Men So Hated? Have you noticed that Christians, particularly white Christian men, are so often targeted for attack these days? If you haven’t noticed, life has become challenging for those of us who profess our faith in Jesus and/or listen to country music.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 223: It's Pride Month—what's a Christian Response? It’s June and evidently June is the month when the LGBTQ community has decided it will celebrate itself. The government of Canada has decided one month not long enough and has dedicated the entire summer season to the celebration of… the people they are and the things they do.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 222: Marriage—A covenant between man & woman and nothing else. Why is that? Marriage is a covenant, promise, and relationship between a man and a woman. Anything else is not marriage and I want to explain why. If any man wants to provide a stable and secure future for his family and descendants, you must focus first and foremost on creating—or sustaining—a stable nation.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 221: Boys Who Aren't Taught To Love Their Country Won't Fight For Their Country Boys who don’t love their country grow up to be men who won’t fight for their country. Nationhood is the lowest common denominator of the human experience. You can call it community, your tribe, your people, your whatever, but regardless, humans always have to band together for protection.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 220: Vaccine Wars & 2 Other Things Which May Destroy America The vaccine wars are continuing to heat up, if you haven’t been following things the past couple of days. It’s hard to even watch, sometimes, but I try to keep up with things because I’m predicting the whole vaccine situation will be the tip of the wedge that drives our country apart.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 219: The End of Masks? Two Reasons Why I Think Maybe Not The ridiculous mask and social distancing mandates began dropping like flies this week after the people who tell Joe Biden what to say decided that it was time to drop a piece of candy on a weary public.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 218: What Will America Look Like For Christians In Two Years What will the next two years look like for Christians in America who refuse to get vaccinated or sacrifice their commitment to their faith? What can you do to be prepared? I’ve thought a lot about what may be happening to our nation and wanted to share with you what I think MAY happen.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 217: The Bible—Not a Collection of Fortune Cookie Statements I want to tackle an important subject—the nature of the Bible itself. I can guarantee this will generate some incredible responses but if you're interested in my opinion on this, take a listen—it may be different than what you're used to hearing.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 216: Losing My Gun Rights Because I Refuse The Vaccine Today is the day that I was supposed to go downtown to the Courthouse and renew my conceal carry permit in North Carolina. I am faced with giving up my right to carry because of something else I am fighting to protect my family from.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 215: Children can happen by accident. Nations cannot. If you are a woman watching this video and your husband or future husband or soon-to-be-ex-husband is not, I want you to drag him kicking and screaming in front of your phone or computer—he must listen to this message. Most men are failing in their number one job right now & I want to call them out.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 214: Two Things that Terrify Me About the Vatican's Science & Medicine Worship Conference The Vatican is hosting a massive conference in a few weeks called “Unite To Prevent & Unite To Cure: Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul” and I’m going to go ahead and spoil the ending for you—no hymns will be sung, there’ll be no altar call, and I will be very surprised if a single prayer is uttered.
My Incredible Opinion: Season2 Ep 213: Herd Immunity Doesn't Exist There is no such thing as herd immunity. It doesn’t exist in real life. Herd immunity basically means that if enough people become immune to an infection, it will have a harder time replicating and eventually will die out.