Ep 222: Marriage—A covenant between man & woman and nothing else. Why is that?
Marriage is a covenant, promise, and relationship between a man and a woman. Anything else is not marriage and I want to explain why.
If any man wants to provide a stable and secure future for his family and descendants, you must focus first and foremost on creating—or sustaining—a stable nation. It doesn’t matter how much money you earn and save, how big your house is, or how peerless your reputation. Without a stable nation, the inheritance you leave your children will be meaningless. For that reason, all men have a familial duty to nationhood. It’s not just patriotic—it’s a duty to your family to maintain the stability of your nation. Otherwise, your children will be forced to live in fear, amongst rampant crime, instability, and possibly war. It doesn’t matter how much money you save up for them, when nations fall apart, everyone suffers.