Ep 203: The World is Forking

If it isn’t already obvious to you, we are forking. The United States is splitting apart. Many other nations are going through the same thing. There are some very different paths that humanity is dividing along but, in general, you can basically group things between two different schools of thought

If it isn’t already obvious to you, we are forking. The United States is splitting apart. Many other nations are going through the same thing. There are some very different paths that humanity is dividing along but, in general, you can basically group things between two different schools of thought. In America, most people immediately think Republicans versus Democrats or Liberals versus Conservatives, but that’s not actually the divide that’s splitting us apart. Both of these groups fight and bicker with the other side, of course, but there’s something much more significant happening that will define on which side you fall. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Progressive Liberal Democrat or a Conservative Republican—no matter where you think you fit in, follow along so you can figure out where you stand on this extremely important issue.